Streams & Resources

Facebook is the fastest and best way for us to show you posts, updated information, and when we are live streaming our services and events.

Online Calendar

Event information and service times are available on the Events & Calander Page. Past service events on the calendar have a link that will direct you to that livestreamed service (Since Feb. 2020).

Service Recordings

Our audio sermons and video sermons are kept on our website and we are currently updating these to include more sermons. These have more past sermons than our livestreams can include.

Heritage Baptist Church Music

Music performed in Heritage Baptist Church during services. Currently updating page to include more music for your enjoyment.

Facebook is the fastest and best way for us to show you posts, updated information, and when we are live streaming our services and events.
Facebook is the fastest and best way for us to show you posts, updated information, and when we are live streaming our services and events.

Online Calendar

Event information and service times are available on the Events & Calander Page. Past service events on the calendar have a link that will direct you to that livestreamed service (Since Feb. 2020).

Service Recordings

Our audio sermons and video sermons are kept on our website and we are currently updating these to include more sermons. These have more past sermons than our livestreams can include.

Heritage Baptist Church Music

Music performed in Heritage Baptist Church during services. Currently updating page to include more music for your enjoyment.

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